Whether it is product information, technical questions or commercial matters, you can reach us by filling out the form in the contact section. First, we invite you to read the most frequently asked questions that are asked of us, you can immediately find the answer you are looking for!
What other companies are part of the Roberto Nuti Group?
The Roberto Nuti Group is made up of the following realities:
- Roberto Nuti Spa
- SABO Srl
- Sabo-Hema Automotive
- Sabo Suspension System
- Mupo
FAQ about SABO products
What products are sold under the SABO brand?
Shock absorbers for trucks, trailers, buses, trams and metro trains.
Cabin shock absorbers.
Agricultural applications.
Custom shock absorbers, special vehicles and first systems.
Air springs for trucks.
Cabin air springs.
Air springs for buses.
Air springs for trailers and semi-trailers.
In how many countries are they marketed?
SABO products are marketed all over the world. If you are interested in knowing who our resellers and distributors are, contact us.
What quality certifications do SABO products have?
How can I consult the catalogues?
Our online catalog is freely available (click here) in a version that does NOT include the product codes of our major competitors.
We then have a complete version of the catalog (access with login), if you do not have the credentials to access the Online Catalog, you can request a user code and password by writing an email to the following address: mail@sabo.it.
The pdf versions of the catalogs are also published in the catalogs section of our site.
How long does the warranty last for SABO products?
For shock absorbers, the warranty is valid for a period of 2 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the shock body. For air springs the warranty is valid for a period of 3 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the component.
I am a manufacturer of industrial vehicles / trailers, agricultural vehicles or special vehicles and I would like to use your products for my production.
We currently collaborate with various small manufacturers of trailers, heavy vehicles, agricultural and special vehicles and we are happy to support your production with our know-how. For more information, contact us.
Which shock absorber or air spring model is best for me and my vehicle?
if you have the original code, consult our website in the catalogs section to find the SABO product that suits your needs, our products are perfectly interchangeable with the OEM product. If you do not find the product for you do not hesitate to contact us.
I am a spare parts dealer and I would like to deal with your products in my business.
Thanks for your interest! We are always looking for new collaborators. Let us know more about your business, contact us.
I am a workshop and I would like to know where I can buy your products.
We have a distribution network with more than 1000 customers all over the world, let us know where you are and we will indicate the most convenient store for you.